Antigonish, NS
August 24, 2024
MacDonald, Sister Genevieve, formerly Sister Ann Ronald, 91, a Sister of St. Martha of Antigonish, died at Mary’s Court, on Saturday August 24, 2024, in the 66th year of her Religious Life.
Born in Little Judique Ponds, Nova Scotia, Sister Genevieve was the daughter of the late Alexander D. and Mary Janet (MacDonald) MacDonald. At the age of 6, after her mother’s death, she and her younger brother Ronnie moved to Harbour View where they were raised by Alex P. and Annie May (MacDonald) MacEachern.
Sister Genevieve entered the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Martha on August 15, 1956. She pronounced her first vows on August 15, 1958, and her perpetual vows on August 15, 1961.
Sr. Genevieve was a lifelong educator and learner. She entered the congregation as a teacher and continued in that ministry for most of her religious life. She received her BA/BEd from St. Francis Xavier University.
In Cape Breton, NS she taught in Main-a-Dieu; Dominion; South West Margaree; and Eskasoni. She was principal at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Kamloops, BC; and taught in Basse Terre, St. Kitts, in the West Indies. Sr. Genevieve completed her time in the classroom volunteering in the school in Eskasoni, a community she loved.
Sr. Gen’s leadership skills were often called upon within the congregation and she served as local leader in many of the communities in which she lived, including a term as leader of the community at Bethany, the Motherhouse. She served in congregation leadership as an Apostolic Director for a term and was a member of several committees.
Card playing was a favorite activity, not only for the love of the game but the opportunity it provided for laughter, conversation and some fierce competition. Sr. Genevieve loved to laugh and always had a good story, memory, or anecdote for any occasion.
Sister Genevieve is survived by brother Ronnie (Josephine) MacDonald and many devoted nieces and nephews and their families. Besides her parents she was predeceased by brothers Angus B (Pauline), Neil (Edna), and Frank; and sisters Isabel, Florence, Margaret, and Janet (Frank)Taylor.
The remains will be resting at Martha Place, Parkland Antigonish, Tuesday August 27th, at 9:00 a.m., a Celebration of Vigil and Eulogy will be held at 11:00 a.m. in St. Martha Chapel, Parkland Antigonish.
A Closing Ritual followed by Liturgy of Christian Burial will take place on the same day, Tuesday August 27th, beginning at 1:45p.m. in St. Martha Chapel, Parkland Antigonish.
